Three Golden Rules to Make Life Lovely
Early morning photo from author's garden W ith winter having passed away, it is now not too cold to come out in the garden in mornings. As I did that today the thought occurred that I should share with all, three simple golden rules of life and living that helps improve life hugely 1. Experience the Magic of new Beginnings daily Do try and remember that every day is a new day, like a new life. When you get up daily, make your bed, visit the toilet, brew a nice cup of tea, listen to the song of birds, and thank the Sun and Universe for this life; for The grateful are given more and much is taken away from those who are not. If it is not too cold, step out in green for green spaces nurture the soul; walk on the grass bare feet and it shall soothe mind, body and soul and if it is a holiday plan for a picnic to a forest nearby. 2. One thing at a time and a few daily While there seems to be so much to do, remember it is only possible to do one thing ...