Does Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II read this blog?
Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second with Prince Philip on March 21, 2014 A lthough sometimes we do not realize this, every action of ours, howsoever insignificant causes some change in the world around us. It is a different matter if this change is one like a ripple that rises in the vast ocean and subsides after a brief lapse of time, leaving no visible change on the surface. There are other times when a ripple may grow into a storm that leaves a significant change to the landscape in its wake. Even the smallest ripple can lead to vast changes due to the quintessential butterfly effect. An example of such an event in recent history was a relatively insignificant slap given by an official to a humble street vendor in a remote corner of Tunisia some years ago. It grew into the Arab Spring, protest and occupy movements in many countries and wars that are still shaking the world as in Syria. A well intentioned person must hope at all times that his or her acti...