God’s own Pharmacy in your Garden – Phyllanthus
Phyllanthus in the garden, God's own Pharmacy F or long I have held the belief that every plant except for a few that are poisonous have some medicinal or food value, at times for humans and at other times for animals or insects. Mother earth takes care of all her children, human or animal. Plants that come to grow around your home and living area on their own are likely to have a special medicinal value for you personally, especially if you love nature. Some of the plants that come up in our garden are regarded as irritating weeds and we tend to pull them out. One such comes up often in my garden and I have been pulling it out for years although at the back of my mind has been the feeling that it is most likely a very useful medicinal one but not knowing its name it was hard to find that out. So today morning finding time on my hands, I began searching google images for common garden weeds and it was not long before I discovered that this was a weed known as Phyll...