
Showing posts with the label PTSD

Healing through Herbs and Dreams

Image W hatever we experience in life that has some emotional content attached to it such as joy, happiness, fear, anger etc, leaves a mark on our personality. It remains recorded on our inner being. It may recede from our conscious mind but stays in the subconscious like those files on your computer that do not open until clicked upon. Just as a lot of unnecessary files compromises performance of a computer, a lot carried by a human compromises human performance too. Some memories with strong emotional content exist as multiple copies every time we think and relive those experiences in our conscious hours. This store house of experiences is what makes human personality, different and unique for each individual. Even clones or identical twins are different because experiences of no two can be exactly alike. Some experiences strengthen a personality and others weaken and c...

Freedom from Stress to PTSD in Five Weeks - the 5X5 Method

P ost Traumatic Stress Disorder known as PTSD is a condition found in humans around the world who have suffered a severe traumatic experience. As a group, it is most common in victims of war and veterans who might have participated in one. While there are modern medicines available to give a little temporary relief, over the long term, these are likely to cause other more serious complications and problems than good. There is a tragic story of a young beautiful girl in this blog who lost several years of her life because of resorting to such medicines after a brief traumatic episode and it is only with the Grace of the Lord and returning to natural methods she has been able to escape it now. The following five simple steps that depend on nature and cost nothing more than routine food items are likely to help anyone greatly with PTSD, perhaps even getting rid of it in five weeks. Nature Walk :   A half hour walk in green natural surroundings daily is the fi...