A Brief Introduction to the Economics of Greed and Exploitation

Economics of Greed and Exploitation
Ever since the financial crisis of 2008,  economic news from around the world has been enlightening. From time to time, my reaction to some of the reports have been published as blog posts. Recently I combined some of the more important ones into a single document. After editing, what emerged was a brief booklet of fifty pages entitled ‘A Brief Introduction to the Economics of Greed and Exploitation’.   
I tend to regard anything under 75 pages as a booklet rather than a book although the publishers tend to classify it as the latter. The booklet is published in full color so that some of the associated color graphics could be included from earlier blog posts that seem to have inspired changes from Japan to Switzerland and also perhaps USA and parts of Europe. The contents consist of seven chapters. The Blogger editor does not seem to reproduce tables faithfully but nevertheless I have copied and posted it here for whatever it is worth. The reader is requested to excuse the poor formatting. here. It is much better in the original :

When to Tax the Rich and when not to
Inflation is like stealing from the Poor
The Rule of Ten
The Paradox of Modern Life and Economy
Fixing the Banks
Future of World Economies
A Spiritual view of Economy and Recession

Driven by insatiable greed, modern economic practices have developed in a manner so that while some executives and bankers walk away with millions of compensation, others are driven out of their homes to the street. At the same time, governments who had freely incurred massive debts with an eye on the next election and a fond hope that economies would continue to grow forever are now staring at mountains of debt. Nations that seek solace in a money printing press are producing inflation that is snatching away bread from the poor man’s table, while the rich laugh all the way to the bank and luxury destinations. As inequalities hit the roof, national economies teeter on the verge of collapse. The ensuing outrage has given rise to phenomenon such as the occupy movement.

This booklet has now been published (ISBN-13: 978-1495448195) and is available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1495448193

Over the next few days and weeks it should be available with major online retailers around the world.While highlighting problems that have crept into modern economies, the author has also suggested solutions. The entire discourse is in an informal style free of scholarly notes and referencing so that it may be appreciated by an ordinary person, not just academics and scholars. This brief introduction to the economics of greed and exploitation should be of interest to any concerned citizen of the world.  While publishing this book let I could not forget the zesty economic news reporters who have covered economic stories in the media and the initial pages of the book carry the acknowledgement:


This author is grateful to Aaron Heslehurst of BBC World News and other economic news correspondents from around the world for having kept him abreast of international economic news.

UPDATE: Amazon has added a look inside feature to the book so that you can read a significant initial portion online (at the link above)


Vinod Khurana said…
Dear Ashok ji,
Heartiest congratulations on the publication of your new book and the immense scope of its coverage.It will prove to be highly useful the world over.May your creativity and insight flower more and more.
With warm Regards
ProfAshok said…
Thank you Vinod for such nice words. It is my hope that it makes a positive contribution, if the Lord so deems.
keiko amano said…

I should have looked this post first, but I saw your wordpress blog at first. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this post.
ProfAshok said…
Thanks Keiko. I felt publishing this in both wordpress and here will give this wider visibility. They are both nearly identical posts.
Praveen Kumar goyal said…
Hello Ashok sir
I want to know about the future research aspect of palash..
is there any idea to do research on this plant for PhD. purpose..
Plz suggest me any idea for study or research on this plant..
Thanking u
ProfAshok said…
Dear Praveen, please post this question under the post on Palash for a full response. There is plenty to research on Palash

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