You are It
P erchance you saw a homeless beggar on the street one day and either felt sorry for him or ignored him. He has a body and consciousness that makes him alive just as you have but did you realize that it is parts of the same consciousness that flows through him or you or anyone else for that matter even animals, trees, bacteria, grass; everything that is life has a consciousness. Most do not realize that it is parts of the same although few mystics do. In another time or place it could be me or you that are that beggar because the condition of that consciousness that we have presently assigned to ourselves changes with time and place. It has been doing so ever since the beginning of time because material things like our bodies are born, changes and dies but consciousness is everlasting. Out of it all this was created. Not just mystics but the most learned of all scientists realize it too. As Einstein said, A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a p...