Kanji – The Healthy Vegetable Drink
Kanji, the vegetable drink H ere is a wonderful drink made from a few select vegetables. It is a great accompaniment for lunch. It shall contribute to good health while adding a sparkle to a meal. In North-Western India it is called Kanji and in West Asia it is known by a different name that I forget now and once when a friend from Poland visited he said that they make it in Eastern Europe too. I have not found it in Western Europe or North America though during my travels and it is time they learned about it because it is very simple to make. It has a pungent acidic taste that is pleasant with a meal once you acquire the taste and that does not take more than a couple of glasses of it. There are several variations of the drink but here is the recipe from my home: Ingredients Four liters drinking water Half kg turnips Quarter kg Beetroots Quarter kg Carrots (The darker the better) A finger of Ginger A few bay leaves and sticks of cinnamon (optional...