
Showing posts with the label bankers

How the Internet is making the World more Beautiful

  Red flowers in the author's garden While there is a good and bad side to just about everything in the universe with the exceptions of God and the Devil, there are things that add more evil than good and others that contribute more good than evil and ugliness to the world. Internet is one human invention that is already helping to eradicate evil from the world and would continue to do so over the next several decades and centuries. Why is that? The simple answer to that is – evil prospers in the dark, when information is suppressed and lies and false argument such as those put out by private banks with profiteering managements can be maintained whereas truth is bright and prevails as information flows freely. The several million dollar salary of rich bankers is to prevent loss of talent and the politicians can do nothing about it except make polite noises about the stench which does not vanish even with a forty thousand dollar commode on wall street?( read about th...