A Doll House for a Grandson

A five-year-old god grandson of mine visits every month and has a new request every time. Usually it is colored pencils, sharpeners and eraser or little motorcars, a jeep or a tractor. He had also wanted a small plastic bat and a ball and all of these things I have been able to get for him. However last time he wanted a little dollhouse. Therefore I found a cardboard box, stuck some wooden color wrapping paper on it that had been lying around, cut a door and a window out from it. With a few stickers on it the house was ready as shown in the picture. We put in a few tree leaves in an empty medicine bottle to put in front because a home is scarcely pretty without one. The result is shown in the picture.

The roof is a sloping one and removable. That makes placing furniture inside easier. So far we have only placed two beds and a curtain inside and are looking for more furniture. Another godson, Golu, described in some older posts of this blog is now ten years old. he lives in another city but on phone, I asked him what he wanted. Most times he says he has everything but at times he makes a request. Last on phone he said he wanted a bicycle because he has to walk to school and it is a bit far away. So I sent the money to his dad to get him one and he got a little blue bicycle last week and is quite thrilled with it.

With Christmas around, hope you have got in touch with your grandchildren or know of some others that are in need and just like them, if any, to ask them what they might want for Christmas. A hurriedly snapped picture of the five-year-old god grandson, the person in the shadow is his dad:

UPDATE: December 2018
Yesterday my god grandson got his birthday gift, warm clothing for winter. It is his fifth birthday. Both the god grandsons described here are children of poor laborers from rural background who came to the city in search of work but it was my good fortune that I met them, for in adding joy in the life of a child who might have missed it otherwise is a huge blessing.


Vinod Khurana said…
Beautiful and very lovely post dear Ashok ji.

A child brings out the child in us
the doll house we make for them
reminds us of our own childhood
When we grow up and stand on our feet
our parents yet see a child in us
and it takes them back to their own childhood
The childhood is that part of life
which is most pure and innocent
but we long all our life to scale new heights
When we are tired and exhausted with life
we look at children with renewed interest and new eyes
and become like them in our older life!

with warm regards

ProfAshok said…
So very true Vinod, every word you said. Children are the purest, most joyous and most precious part of humanity.
Vinod Khurana said…
Thank you very much for your inspiring words,dear Ashok ji.

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