Two simple methods of relieving stress, fear and pain

Through much study and experience, I discovered two of the simplest ways to relieve stress, fear, anxiety, pain and a variety of other things that trouble humans are

  1. Mindful breathing
  2. Mantra Jap

Not only do either of these ancient and time tested methods relieve problems mentioned they can also be used for emotional and spiritual development when practiced in peaceful moments. Mindful breathing is a type of mindfulness when a person focuses on one’s breathing silently. The interested reader can find an excellent note on it by the author at,

Mantra Jaap (or Jap)is repetition of holy word or name of the Lord. One may use any word that one can repeat comfortably, musically or even in a monotonous manner. While mindful breathing can be practiced if one believes in God or not, Mantra Jap is for those who believe in God. Personally I feel that it is not possible to attain peace without belief and trust in the Almighty Lord because life is fragile and full of uncertainties. It is only belief in Him and His love, an all powerful Universal Intelligence that can control everything, that one can feel secure and therefore be at peace, and how can there be happiness without peace?

There are innumerable names of the Lord in different religious or mystic traditions across the world and a larger number of phrases that contain His name and therefore Innumerable Mantras. The interested reader should search for one that pleases. Here is a brief recording of one based on a name of the Lord popular in South and South east Asia – Ram – that I recorded on my phone one peaceful morning in the garden. It is a mantra that saved my life and protected me repeatedly, when I had undertaken a difficult travel mostly in the Himalayas during the summer of 2007. Listen to it right now by clicking on the video below and experience the peace it generates for yourself.


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