Secluded Corners of the Garden

Some earlier posts have mentioned that while times of peace and happiness in life are times to enjoy and appreciate life, hard times are for learning; that is when a soul may evolve most if the message is handled properly. It is lesson time at school and the students who pay attention to the teacher, in this case, Father Universe go on to excel in life. However, that is not the only way to evolve. Knowledge and wisdom may also be attained in  quiet communion with nature. That is how many saints have begun going on to deeper practices involving seclusion, renunciation and meditation. It can also be found through compassionate service to poor, children and other vulnerable life.

Dear friends do spend some time alone in natural surroundings and experience the results for your self.  It is the most joyous way available for humans to evolve. If you are an urban person and have some space for a garden then one can develop natural green spots there too for a daily exposure aside from trips to the forest; this would enhance peace. Today morning I snapped a picture of just one such spot in my small urban back yard as shown in the picture. The picture below is an earlier one that shows tops of food producing trees from a section of my front yard. Unfortunately though this year, it all had to be pruned down heavily as becomes a necessity from time to time in small urban home gardens, a task that I had delayed for several years due to my love for trees and green,  but it is coming back.


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