Musings of a Mystic - The Lord and His Angels
One teaches by exampleExamples never fail to teachOne whose lust rapes a girlOne who hurts anotherSets an exampleFor same to be done to himAn angel of the LordIs one from amongst usJust one more lifeIn this universe so very wideWho loves the Lord soTo serve Him soThat there is nothing to coverThe light that shines forthWith his burdens liftedIs it a surprise?If far he fliesOne who loves and trusts the LordHow can the Lord disappoint such a soul?But one who does not believeHow can the Lord interfere in his goal?Yet all cry for HimWhen difficulties ariseAnd this perhaps is His replyHad you called in timeWhy would difficulties arrive?Secrets and deepest intriguesSome for love some for discordWith much ease He does readThe angels and the LordA human judge one may misleadNot the Lord, beware do heed
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