Economic Inequality and how to overcome it

A Brief Introduction to the Economics of Greed and Exploitation
Some of the posts in this blog have been about economic inequalities and its tragic consequences - such as hunger, homelessness and early mortality - that seems to be increasing in some of the leading capitalistic societies of the world. The wealth of the world has become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. It has given rise to things such as the occupy movement and a demand for a return to communism. However communism and equality created by it have not worked since some amount of economic diversity and inequality are natural and required just as it is with the size of trees in a forest. At the same time, given the opportunity, humans can become extremely exploitative leading to unsustainable inequalities. The new revised version of the book – A brief Introduction to the Economics of Greed and Exploitation – suggests simple methods to control extreme economic inequalities in modern capitalism i.e easy and practical ways to put a cap on greed.. The suggestions can be easily implemented given the political will. They contain the rule of ten (see here) and the rule of ninety, extremely simple ways to control high compensations of top executives and low wages of others, as well as extreme exploitative profits by some corporations, that have been discussed in this blog earlier (use the search tool in the left sidebar to reach them) as well as other suggestions on how to rationalize taxes and control inflation that hurts the deprived most. The book can be found at all major online retailers, for example at:


Ramakrishnan said…
Congratulation Ashok ! Another feather in your cap.
ProfAshok said…
Thanks a lot for your nice comment Ramakrishnan Ramanathan. the hope is that those who matter shall pay attention to the contents so that extreme wealth inequalities can be reduced in the world. The world would become a far happier place then it is now.

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