Learning by Teaching

The Babaji Affair by Ashok

After receiving a doctoral degree in engineering from the University of British Columbia in Canada, that has been ranked in the top fifty universities of the world for many decades, I took up an academic career that involved teaching, research and administration of education successively in three of the finest universities in three different parts of the world, all made possible by the grace of the Almighty. While towards the latter part of my professional career the administrative role increased, in the earliest part teaching was a major component. I taught the subjects in which I had majored in graduate school, stuff called heat transfer, thermodynamics, fluid turbulence etc.  A significant realization at the time was that most of my learning took place when I began to teach.

Truly a teacher learns most when he teaches because at this time he is compelled to contemplate on his subject matter more deeply and repetitively as well as deal with questions and queries from students. Some such thing happened with the present blog too after it was launched around seven years ago. It is not at all to do with my professional involvements that helped make a living but to do with matters of general and wider interest – Life and Spirituality – from a global point of view, not one that is confined to any one part of the world or tradition.

Being a quintessential professor, most of my blog posts have an element of teaching and in doing so many readers, especially from the English speaking parts of the world have visited and hopefully learned something useful. Perhaps the most learning has been for my own self and also my greatest reward. Any visitor to this blog may browse or search through it on any topic to do with the fundamental workings and purpose of life and if they post a question in a comment, I shall know through email notifications and respond to it. On the other hand, if a reader finds that stories that teach are more interesting, this essential knowledge is also included in the book – The Babaji Affair. The book may be located easily anywhere in the world through a Google search.

In the end though, may I point out that while life seems insecure because of so many unforeseen dangers, there is a very simple way to overcome these insecurities and attain peace as well as happiness when one understands life deeply. For every human, there are fears of sickness, old age and death. Then there are dangers from the elements, the microbiological world of viruses and bacteria, insects and animals but most of all from the doings of other humans and human organizations, even governments that could potentially turn a happy life into misery in minutes. Despite all this, one learns to be secure and happy when one trusts in the Universal Intelligence that gave birth to all life. Death is no longer a fearful prospect but a bright renewal in new clothes. One realizes that all be well for all in the end and what seemed like ups and downs or travails in life were fascinating adventures full of learning that helped us evolve, so that we are once again free to enjoy this wonderful creation that the Lord made for our joy just as every loving parent fills a child’s room with wonderful toys, that children who trust their parents enjoy but those who are afraid of the shadowy ghost under the bed or the snake in the bush cannot, until such time as our souls become mature and wise enough to return to the Source and Eternal Bliss from whence it arose.


YiolatSpiritual said…

I have saved this article so I could come back in the future and go through it once more. It is very intriguing, well-researched and also composed. I almost never observe marvelous content these days.
Also see my site Spiritual Store.

Keep it Up...!!
ProfAshok said…
Thanks Yiolat. I shall see your store
ProfAshok said…
Looked up the store. It is a nice one. May I suggest some other itmes for you to stock 1. Prayer beads, search my blog for mantra meditation 2. Some book by Paul Brunton, My Books, The Babaji Affair and Naini Mata for those interested in Himalayan mysticism ( both at amazon). You could easily become an Amazon associate to list spiritual books.
ProfAshok said…
Another must for a spirituality store is entropy mats for yoga. There are entropy yoga mats available online but they are not as per specifications. If anyone is interested in manufacturing these I shall gladly share the method. Search for entropy yoga in this blog. I had coined the term arising from my scientific interests.

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