A Dream about Stealing
In his treatise on yoga, Patanjali mentions that to even
begin evolving as a human it is necessary as the very first preliminary steps
to give up things like violence and stealing. These are left over of our animal
past. A monkey would not think twice about stealing a banana from your hand
when hungry but a human is supposed not to steal i.e. take something that
belongs to someone else without their permission or knowledge. A Human may only
take from what belongs to no other humans or what is earned by
them or given to them willingly by someone else.
However, while it is easy to moralize and be ethical when
one is not faced with an opportunity, temptation and need, the real test comes
when one is faced with all of these. Some such consideration and fear must have been
locked up somewhere in the recesses of my sub-conscious mind too because they
unfolded in a dream yesterday. Our hidden fears appear in dreams in order to
help us overcome them such as finding oneself paralyzed or frozen at a time
when activity is urgently required, is a common dream.
In a dream last night I found that I had access to a temple
cellar for some engineering work. Temple
cellars are commonly used to store temple treasures and in this temple there
was a direct chute from the surface through which donors could throw in their
donations to land up in the cellar. While I was there alone, a fresh and
therefore unaccounted donation of a large sum of money suddenly poured in. Because
I was in need in the dream, I secretly picked up some and put it in my pocket.
However soon after I was disturbed by the act and put it back.
This dream woke me up and disturbed me. Although I am firmly
against stealing perhaps that tendency or the fear of that tendency still
remains in the depths of my being. However, the dream has a teaching too, to
fight any such remaining tendency because I remember as a child of having
stolen a few toys once and a newspaper another time. At that time it was an
adventure and immaturity but such a tendency must not continue as one grows up.
An evolved human does not steal not because he might get
caught and punished for it but because of more basic reasons. Whatever we
acquire in life is because of the doings of the world or universe around us and
hardly because of our own doings although most humans think otherwise because
of their ego. It is the Universe that grants us whatever we have and it is the
Universe that takes it away too. If one steals, even though no one may know
about it, the Universe does know and then one can hardly expect the Universe to
be generous or kind to a person who does that. Once a human evolves to a basic
threshold, he simply does not take what belongs to someone else, whatever be the
temptation, knowing fully well that it is thing not done and it is something
that will produce pain and harm in the long run aside from depriving one of the
generosity of Nature.