The Blessed Tree - Olive

Can you spot the single ripe olive in the photo?  Just when I thought that I had finished with describing some of the most useful trees on Earth, it was realized that nothing has been written about the Olive tree, one of the most useful trees on our planet. The olive has been providing food, medicine and wood to humans for millenniums. The tree provides an edible and cooking oil of high quality known for its health giving properties and wonderful taste.

This tree is one of the most versatile and life giving trees on earth. It also appears to be a relatively new species of trees because despite the fact that it tolerates heat and cold well it has not yet spread widely across the planet. more research is required to select and develop varities for different climates. Olives belong to the botanical family Oleaceae that includes the ash, lilac and Jasmine.

Considerable research supports the health-giving benefits of consuming olives, olive leaf and olive oil. Leaves and flowers of this botanical family i.e those of olives, jasmine and lilac make an excellent tea. The wonderful fragrance of Jasmine and lilac is proof that this tree belongs to a heavenly family of trees- a gift of Mother Earth to mankind in particular since birds and animals do not particularly like its fruit. It is a symbol of peace, wisdom, glory, fertility and purity.

Now imagine that you live in a small hamlet beside a trout lake nestling between mountains forested with the trees described in this blog – Pines, Oak, Chestnuts, Cherries, apples, almonds, Olives, Mulberry, jackfruit and drumsticks with an undergrowth of roses, ferns, wild strawberries, clovers, soft mountain grasses, mushrooms, moss and assorted wild flowers – would it be a nice way to live or is the steel and concrete of you city better? 

Photo at top right is a public domain image from


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