A Beautiful Definition of God
God has been defined in this blog in several places as everything there is, the entire universe and even beyond if there is anything beyond the universe, both the seen and unseen aspects of the universe. However that is a rather bland definition, perhaps a bit scientific. A new beautiful definition of God by Vincent has appeared at http://perpetual-lab.blogspot.com/
A Presence, an attentive Presence, there in times of need; the need to give thanks and the need to beg, and the need to surrender one’s life to something higher.
I fully agree with this definition and cannot improve upon it or perhaps a just bit by adding the additional words “A loving, truthful and attentive Presence, all powerful and fully in control of everything that happens in the universe” instead of just an attentive presence. But perhaps then the definition would become cumbersome and lose some of its beauty. There is much older post in this blog about God here or if one is an atheist over here
The photo is from http://publicdomainpictures.net
(You see, I can go on arguing even when you thought you agreed with me.)
All our thoughts on such deep matters can only be provisional and subject to revision. I reserve my faith (non- revisional ideas) to only the barest minimum - i.e belief in God and a soul that oulasts death.
I agree that Vincent has nailed it, the concept of this experiential God. I would just add that finding this God is a crap shoot. Many have not found it through no fault of their own. So is it really universally loving?
Indeed. Meister Eckhart: "I pray God to be rid of God."