Five Stages of a Human Life

May the life of this sweet baby in the photo be blessed by the Almighty Lord. The beginning of human life is indeed inspiring and full of Joy. With some gentle care and a little foresight the joy may last a lifetime.In order to analyze human life one may use  the analogy of a lifetime with an average working day for convenience. A human life may be divided into five twenty year periods each and compared to the five periods of a working day – morning pre-work hours, morning working hours, afternoon working hours, evening and night. Each period of life involves fun and work. Presently this post is restricted to the work aspect. An important aspect of this work in each stage involves preparation for the following stage of life.

Thus the morning preceding a normal workday consists of getting ready for work. The first approximately twenty years of life similarly involve getting ready for a working life. It is a time to develop disciplined, productive habits as well as acquire education. If this preparation is a useful one then a human being may hope to acquire a decent job and make a success of it.

The next twenty years, up to age forty, may be regarded as the forenoon of a workday. It is the time of life when one is most energetic. If these energies are well spent then one can excel at one’s occupation and rise to senior levels in the next phase. It is also the time to marry and raise a family. A job well done at this stage becomes an asset in later stages of life.

The age from forty to sixty is a period of reducing energies just as it is low in the afternoon of a normal workday. However, it is also a time that one may have risen to a senior position in one’s career. It is wise at this stage to start preparing for retirement. This means deciding upon your retirement home and making an effort to save for retirement. Big cities or their vicinities are the best locations to find a job. However, during retirement a quiet countryside or small town may offer the best post retirement option. The best time to locate a retirement home is now in this third stage of life when one still has sufficient energies and the best possible income to set up a new home.

The fourth stage of life from sixty to eighty may be compared to the evening of a workday. It is time to relax and take it easy. Some are compelled to work through this evening and some choose to work, especially business persons that are self-employed, since they do not have to retire officially. However, just as in a normal day if we work through the evening, we may not be fully up to the task the next day, something like that can happen in a human life too. A soul that has not had the opportunity to resolve the dilemmas and emotional encumbrances of a lifetime at peace is a cluttered one and this may lead to an inappropriate future birth in a new life - a new day of work. A quiet evening - a life in peaceful green surroundings – refreshes far more than a boisterous or busy evening. The results are apparent next morning. An average human life is considered here. There are individual variations and exceptions to what has been written.

The last and final stage of life is from the age of eighty to a hundred. It is comparable to night – a time to go to bed. Some persons are disturbed and excited at bedtime and cannot go to sleep early. They may suffer from insomnia. They stay up late or toss and turn in their beds and suffer the discomfort of being up at a time when they are tired and should be fast asleep, some try counting  sheep jumping over a fence or the money in their bank account as an aid but when sleep comes both these aids disappear as things of imaginations into nothingness. Some chant a mantra of the Lord and the holy vibrations carry them to a new inspiring life when sleep comes.  As they say, 

Early to bed and early to rise makes Jack healthy, wealthy and wise, 
But a  prayer full of faith and love, carries Jack to heaven in a trice.

PHOTO: New Born by Peter Griffin from


keiko amano said…

Happy New Year.

I appreciate spiritual thoughts, and they are helpful if they are uplifting kinds.

This year, I hope we can all start new projects without thinking of our age.

I plan to continue my Chinese lesson and hope to visit China and test my Chinese. I also want to learn a few words in Hindi and brush up on my beginning Spanish. Besides, I'll practice more Kana Shodo and submit my best art to an exibition if my teacher allows me. Also, I'm going to finish editing my long short story by March. And all the ideas in my head, I would turn them into stories or poems including the unusual incident that happened to me last Xmas.
ProfAshok said…
Hello Keiko

Wish you a very happy new year too.

It is inspiring to hear that you have so many interesting projects to look forward too. We will look forward to reading your stories and poems. Perhaps you can put some in your blog after they are published.

I do think of my age but in a positive way. Every age has something beautiful and wonderful to enjoy and I am making the most of it. At this stage of my life there is neither the presure to make a success of my career nor another of making a success of one's family life and that is nice.

What was the unusual event last Christmas?
keiko amano said…
Thank you for asking, Ashok. You will know when I publish it evemtually. Probably a half of my community know who I am by now! It is an embarrassing story, so I have to spend my time writing it so that I don't embarrass my family or any person involved! I tend to be absent minded sometimes, and the story is about that.
ProfAshok said…
You have raised my curiosity but I shall be patient till you the story is written.
keiko amano said…
Okay, I'll write it because a rumor seems snowballing.
Pam said…
Hopefully, you still read this page. You sent it to me last week when I told you my client was in the final stage of life. A Priest came today & gave her The Prayers for the Annointing of the Sick. It was beautiful. She appreciated him coming & opened her eyes. Then...she blessed herself. I couldn't believe it. He told her she was Golden & was Pure now. Her final Sacrament. As the Priest was leaving, her daughter opened the front door & a Dove was sitting right in the middle of the walkway. We saw it, but the Priest was facing us. When he turned to leave the Dove flew off. Truly a special moment. She continues to cling to life. Hopefully, she will be able to let go soon.
ProfAshok said…
Thanks for visiting Pam. I get an email notification whenever a comment is posted and I respond right away most times. I wish well for your client. She seemed like a lovely soul from the picture and the angels keep an eye on her. Perhaps she is waiting for someone to visit before her last or some news about a loved one before moving on to the next world. I am certain her new life would be a wonderful one where she is young and active again. All the signs are there for it.

Do post a comment on any of the articles and if you see an option for getting back an email notification do click that to so you will know when a reply comes. With limited time, I have cut down on replying to messages on other social media but not on this one. You shall find articles on all sorts of topics, some very interesting in this blog and do feel fee to raise queries or disagree with something because it makes comments worth it.


ProfAshok said…
While brief replies are good on twitter, I rarely get into long conversations there because it becomes like talking loudly in a room full of people who may or may not be interested in that conversation, whereas in a blog only those who like visit and join in the conversation. moreover there are no 140 character limits :)
Pam said…
Got your reply thanks! I think you are right that she is waiting for someone. She was calling for her son yesterday. He didn't even know if she was still alive. The daughter has been estranged from him for years. She said he is welcome to say goodbye, but doesn't want to reach out to him. I will try to see if she will do it. If only for her Mother's final comfort. You are so smart. I see her again on Monday, God willing.
Also, right before I left I kissed her goodbye. It startled her & she opened her eyes wide. I told her I was leaving, she was upset, but I assured I w/be back in 3 days. Then she said, very clearly..."Thank you so much for all you do for us." She hadn't made any clear statement for days, certainly no sentences. My heart soared. A moment to treasure. No amount of $ can equal that. This is why I am a Caregiver.
ProfAshok said…
If possible please try for her son to visit and kiss a final goodbye to her on the forehead. She shall then be able to leave this phase of her journey in peace.
ProfAshok said…
When you kissed her, she thought her son has come to visit, that is why she was startled but seeing you she was thankful to you for hr care. DO try and reach out to her son. He need not visit and stay with sister if they do not get along but can do so in a motel and just visit once. That is all she wishes now I think.

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