Karma -1

A series of four notes. Links to subsequent notes is given at the end of each note.

The principle of Karma is a central part of spiritual philosophies. Karma is a Sanskrit word used in eastern philosophies of Hinduism and Buddhism. In Islam and Christianity different words are used to describe the same principle. Basically the principle of Karma implies that everything we do, good or bad is recorded by the Universal Intelligence and causes a reaction similar to our deed. It is the principle of retribution. As you sow so shall you reap!

The main difference between Christianity and Eastern religion as regards this principle is that in prevalent interpretation of mainstream Christianity the actions and reactions take place over two lives (this one and the next) because only a single reincarnation is assumed whereas in eastern philosophy it is something that can be executed over several life times with a soul taking birth repeatedly.

The principle of Karma is applicable even if one does not believe in more than just one life i.e. this one. All it means then is that it would be executed within this life because as such the principle of Karma has nothing to do with the number of lives a person believes in. However, one life may not be sufficient to execute the karma of some such as political leaders who have caused the death and suffering of millions through war.

The principle of Karma extends not only to our actions but also our thoughts. According to this principle nothing escapes the attention of the Universal Eye. Everything is recorded and taken into account. Any person who believes in doing good should have no difficulty in accepting this principle. All it means is that his or her good deeds will be rewarded.

The evildoer who is afraid of the result of his evil would like to deny it vehemently. However he too need not be afraid of this principle because within the principle of Karma are means to wash of that evil.

For those who believe in this principle, its proper understanding can lead to minimizing effort in whatever it is that we have to do with excellent time management. Hayden has been discussing this issue with her readers in her blog and it does seem that most of us suffer from a sense of futility in not being able to achieve all that we wish to do and not being able to manage our time properly. An understanding of this principle will lead to minimising that sense of futility. An understanding of this principle also leads to great contentment with the ensuing happiness.

We shall discuss this principle in more detail in two, three or more posts in small bytes beginning with this one. Putting it down all at once would be too much for a reader who is getting to understand the workings of this principle for the first time.



ProfAshok said…
I have a suspicion that Vincent would like to argue out this post thoroughly :-)
Vincent said…
I don't know about thoroughly! How about this for a start?

The principle of Karma is applicable even if one does not believe in more than just one life i.e. this one. All it means then is that it would be executed within this life because as such the principle of Karma has nothing to do with the number of lives a person believes in.

You seem to be saying that if I only believe in this one life, my reward or punishment will come in this life. However, if I believe in reincarnation, my reward or punishment will be deferred.

So I have a choice? It sounds like going to the bank manager to choose between various types of mortgage: one that you pay off quickly, one with deferred payments but more interest overall.
Hayden said…
The shamanic perspective sees something similar to karmic, but not the same. In general, we are each seen as having an oversoul that master-minds progress. We evaluate ourselves, even though we are not conscious of the process (unless we make the effort shamanically to go see/find out.) The oversoul radiates love. The goal is progress. There is no punishment. When compassion must be learned (or increased) or when we have not deeply understood and regretted negative behaviors then challenges are set in another lifetime that will provide the emotional experiences that will automatically correct our behavior.

So - can we be forgiven? Yes, of course, if we truly regret something and aren't just trying to pretend. There is no priest to deceive with tears and penance, only the record of our internal life written on our soul.

There may be information about transcendence - leaving this world behind forever - in shamanic practice, but I don't know it. I know that soul longs to rejoin light, and that the after death experience is infinitely joyful. I've also seen that this is the only world that experiences the physical, so it intrigues spirit who is eager/interested to experience the senses.

Writing this I'm reminded that these practices precede codification into religious dogma. They came before most religions, so it's understandable that there are both similarities and differences.
Hayden said…
sorry, I didn't edit. In the first sentence I meant "karma." Must go have my coffee!
ProfAshok said…

The karmic principle ordains that reactions will follow our deeds. It does not say when the reaction will occur. That has remaind a mystery for the majority of humans. Apparently Nature has a way of laying out these reactions so that different ones unfold at different times.

I do not think that we, or at least most souls have a choice in the matter as to when they will unfold.

My own guess for myself is that some unfold in this life and some will unfold in the next.

I do not think either you or I have a choice if we will have more lives or not. Nor do I think we have the choice when our specific Karmas will unfold in this or the next life.

However if this is the only life a person is going to have, you, me or anyone else it is quite clar that the Karma will have to unfold in this life only.

It appears that, souls that have attained a close unity with the universal consciousness have some limited choice in the matter of how there Karmas are spaced. There are stories (and I have lived through one such) of a mother postponing her karmically destined time of death by a few days to await the arrival of a son.

And there are also descriptions ( I have no proof or experience of these though) certain souls that are close to nature choose their time of departure to the next world.

There are many stories though of evolved souls being aware of the time of their future karma as the descriptions of Jesus who apparently knew of the time of his impending departure as well as the manner of it.

There seems to be some similarity with a bank account and the accumalation of interest in my understanding though but the choice is perhaps made for us by the bank manager and many believe that there is some sort of consultation too for some.
ProfAshok said…

I agree completely with you that the ovesoul radiates love. It is love and the goal of Karmic principle is progress and a loving education by the oversoul or Universe for us.

Hayden, you appear to have a very deep understanding of the karmic principles because you have said

"the record of our internal life written on our soul."

Many persons ask, where is the record kept for the infinite number of beings in the universe. Is there an infinitely large book for that? There is no need to do that the record is written on the soul of each and every person. What better way to keep a bank pass book except with the person concerned.

It is my intention to rise some of the issues raised here in further posts about karma.
Hayden said…
I don't know how my understanding of karmic principle correlates with yours, ashok. Of course I read about karma a bit in the past during the days I studied religions - but I make no pretense to knowing it well.

I've not encountered the word karma within shamanism, but the correlations seem strong. I leave it to you to tell me if these understandings that I group under your term are similar or not.
ProfAshok said…
So far they are very similar Hayden except for some differences in terminology that is inevitable since our sources are different. Let us see if some differences emerge when we proceed into further posts on Karma. I am learning as I go along because the subject matter is indeed vast. I do not think it is humanly possible to know everything about it though. I have part two of this ready and will post it soon.
ProfAshok said…

Your mention of interest is interesting. It reminds me of a story I have quoted earlier

A question asked from a holy man by a simple farmer. The farmer asked the holy man that whenever he does something wrong like a minor theft, retribution follows quickly. One of his cows or goats dies immediately. On the other hand when a neighbor goes and steals something from the city even by committing murder, he seems to thrive. What is the reason for that?

The holy man answered that the farmer is in the main a good honest person and is not weighed down by much bad karma. Therefore the Universal father grants him a punishment for the deed immediately, so that the farmer may return to the correct path quickly. On the other hand the neighbor is very evil. If his Karma is immediately executed it would be impossible for the neighbor to survive as a human. The Universe out of love is giving the opportunity and time to revise his ways and repent. If he does not the universe shall grant him his reward with interest, even by throwing him into the bottomless pit, from whence he may not emerge as a human for millions of years.

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