
Showing posts with the label yellow wine

Las, Wine of the gods

Dionysus the god of winemaking and wine, fertility and religious ecstasy depicted on marble sarcophagus showing Triumph of Dionysus, Hellenistic marble sculpture; Metropolitan Museum, New York "Hail Dionysus, The god of wine. May he with his grace, if he deems fit reveal to mankind the secrets of making a wine fit to offer to the gods, perchance some came to walk upon the Earth"  ashok   Las wines - Green, yellow and blue wines   Although, good wines are produced in Europe and other parts of world by fermenting grape juice, in the opinion of this author, it suffers from one major drawback that makes it unfit to be labeled as the wine of the gods. They are partly unnatural chemical drinks because of use of refined sugar added before fermentation. Refined sugar is a chemical, not a natural food, far from the best possible natural one. This deficiency can be overcome easily by replacing added sugar in the fermentation mix with natural sugar cane juice....