
Showing posts with the label Prayer

How to ward off the Evil Eye

In some parts of the world, particularly the less developed and tribal parts, there is a belief that harm can come to one from the evil eye. Such a belief still exists in parts of Africa, India and Arab countries, especially rural areas, particularly amongst the superstitious and less educated. To ward of such evils many antidotes are prescribed such as throwing salt and red pepper over and around the heads of the affected, putting black dots on bodies, an assortment of amulets, hanging of lemons and chilies on a thread outside homes etc. all depending on local customs. In primitive cultures, including Europe some centuries ago, they even used to burn witches and women suspected of an evil eye. They still do in some parts. From a modern educated, even post modern point of view, a human needs to answer two questions in this regard, 1. Is there any such thing as an evil eye at all? Is it at all possible? 2. If it is possible, what is the best way to ward it off...